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LaZR-DCoM Testimonials

Boston Celtics

The Deep Tissue laser therapy device has been an invaluable asset to our team. This laser therapy device will continue to be part of the high level of care our medical staff provides our players.

Toronto Raptors

Since starting with the laser, I have had some outstanding results in being able to get our athletes back to the game and practice.

Robert (Bob) Watson VP, Major League Baseball

​I am so impressed with the laser, and it’s healing properties, I am now recommending it to my family, friends and business associates.

Testimonial from Steve M.

Literally dozens of doctors told me that there was nothing more that they could do for the pain…some said I would be in a wheelchair.


I went from being among the top 1% physically fit in the Army Special Forces to being in so much pain that I could not tie my shoe or hold my new daughter. I tried physical therapy and drugs for over 5 years, but nothing worked.


Finally, I went to Elite Performance Health Center and did Spinal Decompression and Class IV laser treatment. I improved exactly as Dr. Smith told me I would. I couldn’t believe it!

My wife cried “I have my husband back".  "I FEEL GREAT!

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